Code of conduct

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Code of conduct

Code of conduct international students

The Code of Conduct for international Students in Dutch Higer Education is a joint initiative of the Dutch government and higher educational institutions. The Code of Conduct contains guidelines on how to communicate with and inform international students who come to study in the Netherlands. The code consists for example of language requirements and an agreement on the quality of education provided to international students.

Let us help you

Netherlands Business Academy observes this code and is included in the register of the Dutch Government (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs).

We will do our best to inform you about all you need to know before you start your study with Netherlands Business Academy. We are happy to help you with all your questions.

If something doesn’t go well

Should there be any complaints, please let us know. It is our intention to resolve complaints in consultation. Please contact us at or

Are we unable to resolve the complaint sufficiently, then a notice of complaint can be sent to the National Committee.


The website internationalstudy provides detailed information about the Code of Conduct for International Students in Dutch Higher Education. You can find two video’s with explanation about the code of conduct and complaints procedure.

• Code of Conduct international student higher education.
• Complaints procedure set by the National Commission.